This service is dedicated to active businesses and is mostly oriented toward consulting and training provisions to clients. Our consulting service can be described as an upgrade your business activates in specific required segments and solution provisions and our training will capacitate your organization in order to be able to use modern and sophisticated techniques and methods in operation of your business. Three major fields are covered by our services:
Organization and management: optimization of usage of the resources in your organization through the implementation of optimization programs, implementation of management standards, IT system integration,
Marketing: determination of the needs of the market through research and analysis, supporting creation of your product driven by the market needs, segmentation of market and targeting, positioning on the market, branding.
Business development: support to the management in strategic determination, strategic planning, business planning, restructuring of the companies, new product development, realistic presentation of your company, links with the potential investors
What to expect?
Training for employees
- Education for management
- Presentation of new methods, technologies and information
- Direct technical assistance
- Work of our experts in your company with your employees
- Determination of problem causes and actions toward problems resolving
- Forming intervention experts team by individual needs
- Confidentiality and reliability