Business plan for development of the New agriculture Cooperative in Kosovo Prizren and Strpce region (BiH)- Caritas Switzerland financed - Project for Rural Income Generation Support - RINGS

The major task for consultant was to develop Business plan for New Cooperative in Kosovo, Prizren and Strpce region, that will be active in the next fields and will have inter-connected and single managed 5 profit units:


  • Berries nursery with greenhouse
  • Forest plants nursery
  • Agricultural pharmacy
  • Cooling chamber
  • Laboratory

 The business plan provided necessary projections of development of the new Cooperative in the next 5 years, all based on market research and projections of market conditions and realistic parameters of income and fixed and operational costs. It also proposed structure of capital and establishers, as well as conditions for participants in the venture.  The business plan is the  bankable document (by quality will satisfy requirements of financial institutions and banks, to be proposed for financing), and took care on feasibility of the project, focusing on realistic scenarios and parameters. It also provided basic legal and ownership setup, as well as market and financial analysis and projections. The cooperative will include at the beginning at least 200 farmers, berry producers and about 100 honey bee keepers. Also model of support in knowledge sharing and education of local farmers was presented, and special focus was on young farmers and their education needs.

CEDES is founded in 2006 in Sarajevo, as a joint venture of five highly qualified and experienced consultants in the field of economics, information technology and technical disciplines.


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