Evaluating the uptake and impact of participation in the European Framework Programmes for Research in Member States 2015/RTD/A5/SC/PP-02921-2015

The main focus of this assignment ordered by EC DIRECTORATE-GENERAL FOR RESEARCH & INNOVATION that CEDES performed for Bosnia and Herzegovina is to assess the uptake and impact of participation in the European Framework Programmes (FP) in Member States (MS) and Associated Countries (AC). CEDES was in charge for conducting complete evaluation - research for Bosnia and Herzegovina. The objectives were fourfold:


  • To analyse for each MS/AC the national research and innovation landscape and policies during the past 15 years, including situation in universities, high schools and education system in general
  • To analyze participation patterns per MS/AC and participation trends in the PFs and placing these in the wider context of national research capabilities and national research orientations, policies, cross-border cooperation and structure.
  • To assess the added value of FP participation (beyond return on investment in financial terms) for each MS/AC and to establish what the extra impact of past FP participation has been in each MS/AC in quantitative and qualitative terms.

To present taxonomy of factors conducive to generating lasting impact of the FPs in MS/AC. The study also explores the potential synergies between Training and Access to Market actions under the Creative Europe Programme, especially in the context of activities organized by bodies providing both.


CEDES is founded in 2006 in Sarajevo, as a joint venture of five highly qualified and experienced consultants in the field of economics, information technology and technical disciplines.


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