As part of the project, the CEDES team performed an initial analysis of waste management in the municipalities of Konjic, Jablanica, Prozor-Rama in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the municipalities of Žabljak, Šavnik, and Pljevlja in Montenegro. The analysis included a detailed description of the state of the waste management system, technical and infrastructural capacities, the state of human resources, and the population's awareness about the need for environmental protection.
The project “Joint efforts for 5% Less Waste” is implemented within the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro, funded by the European Union in the amount of almost EUR 500,000, and implemented by the Entrepreneurship and Business Association LiNK (BiH) in partnership with the Municipality Jablanica (BiH), the Municipality of Šavnik (Montenegro), and the Pčelarskim udruženjem Matica, Pljevlja (Montenegro).