Representatives of French companies from Cluster Montagne and representatives of CEDES presented the Final Report - Development plan of the Olympic Mountain of Jahorina and Development plan for the Dvorišta site (biathlon sports filed) for the maintenance of EYOF 2019 (European Olympic Youth Festival 2019 to be organized in Bosnia and Herzegovina).

The main focus of this assignment ordered by EC DIRECTORATE-GENERAL FOR RESEARCH & INNOVATION that CEDES performed for Bosnia and Herzegovina is to assess the uptake and impact of participation in the European Framework Programmes (FP) in Member States (MS) and Associated Countries (AC). CEDES was in charge for conducting complete evaluation - research for Bosnia and Herzegovina. The objectives were fourfold:

The major task for consultant was to develop Business plan for New Cooperative in Kosovo, Prizren and Strpce region, that will be active in the next fields and will have inter-connected and single managed 5 profit units:

EU Delegation and Oxfam Italia have signed the contract for implementation of project Gorazde Business Improvement Zone. Project is funded as part of the program EU Support to Local Economic Development in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The partners of Oxfam Italia are Municipality of Gorazde, Bosnia-Podrinje Canton, Chamber of Crafts of Bosnia-Podrinje Canton and Informest (Development Agency from Italy). CEDES provided technical assistance in the project implementation aiming at:

CEDES is founded in 2006 in Sarajevo, as a joint venture of five highly qualified and experienced consultants in the field of economics, information technology and technical disciplines.


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