At its 45th session, the City Council of Sarajevo adopted the Plan for Sustainable Urban Mobility of the Sarajevo Canton and the City of Sarajevo – SUMP. The project is part of the Open Regional Fund for Southeast Europe - Energy Efficiency (ORF-EE) implemented by GIZ on behalf of the German government.

Cross border cooperation project Joint Efforts for 5% Less Waste (5% LESS) is funded from EU cross border cooperation programme Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro.

The Bosnian-Slovenian consortium CEDES/PROVOBIS presented the Sectoral Study of Tourism of BiH.  This type of study was done for the first time in BiH. At today's meeting, measures for the development of Tourism in BiH and measures for the recovery from the COVID 19 pandemic were presented.

Putting citizens at the center of sustainable urban mobility planning

The Government of Sarajevo Canton on 03.12.2020. adopted the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan for the Canton and the City of Sarajevo. The City of Sarajevo and the Canton of Sarajevo are partners in the regional project "Sustainable Urban Mobility in the Countries of Southeast Europe II" within the German development cooperation. The project is part of the Open Regional Fund for Southeast Europe - Energy Efficiency (ORF-EE) implemented by GIZ on behalf of the German government.

CEDES is founded in 2006 in Sarajevo, as a joint venture of five highly qualified and experienced consultants in the field of economics, information technology and technical disciplines.


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